Teacher in Charge: Ms C. Ferguson.
Recommended Prior LearningYou will have completed the Photography, Art, DTC or Visual Art Design 201 courses with at least an ‘Achieved’ in your external (Folio) Achievement Standard.
Visual Art Design
Level 3 Visual Art Design explores personalised themes-based work. The assessments are aimed towards youth related subject matter using contemporary advertising and marketing design. Students can generate their own resources by using photographs or illustrated-based works. Design formats may include; character development, page layout, DVD inserts, pop- ups, display stands, book covers and brochures. At this level the students are also taught critical understanding of such things as negative space, design composition and typography. This process is learnt through both hand and computer generated techniques using Adobe Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator.
To see examples of work go to this link: https://thameshighart.weebly.com
Students may not take this course concurrently with Visual Art 3.
Term 1
3.2 - Use drawing to demonstrate understanding of conventions appropriate to design.
3.3 - Systematically clarify ideas using drawing informed by established design practice.
Term 2
Complete 3.2 and 3.3 by week 5
External - 3.4- Produce a systematic body of work that integrates conventions and regenerates ideas within design practice.
Term 3
Working on external
Term 4
Complete external
Animator/Digital Artist, Advertising Specialist, Software Developer, Artist, Journalist, Graphic Designer, Media Producer, Photographer
Contributions and Equipment/StationeryStudents will need to cover all their costs for printing their coursework and external boards. This is not done via the accounts office, but paid by the student when printing is needed. (You can expect the costs for the course to be around $60-80).
One or two Art College/Art Gallery visits at approx. $20 each.
Courses outlined will only be available if sufficient students wish to take them AND appropriate staff are available to teach them.
Courses that do not run may be offered through distance learning and be supported by the Distance Learning Department.