Thames High School Thames High School

Year 10 Art

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr S. Rogers.

Recommended Prior Learning

None necessary

We live in a world defined by images. The art that we produce is inspired by our knowledge and understanding, experience, culture and our willingness to explore new ideas and concepts. Art involves critical thinking and practical creativity, making connections to established practice and interpreting experiences, feelings and ideas. Through combining elements of these things you will be able to become more confident in your ability to create, communicate and collaborate.

Course Overview

Term 1
Introduction to painting techniques and processes. Looking at the work of established artists to help inform our own work.

Term 2
An introduction to Design and Photography skills and concepts (including Photoshop)

Learning Areas:



Visual Art Design Level 1, Visual Art Level 1

Art, Design and Photography are gateway subjects for a huge range of career choices. In the world out there, being a creative is a major advantage and a transferable skill. To think outside the box and be able to express yourself in a unique way makes you valuable asset. Career pathways? What about Architect / builder, Make-up artist, animator, game designer, urban planner, graphic designer, fashion designer, textile designer, jeweller, film maker, web designer, landscape designer, museum curator, photographer, advertising, tattoo artist, tourism, floral designer, set / costume design, teacher, fine artist, publishing, book illustration, editor, food stylist, exhibition design, interior designer, sports manager, engineer, product design furniture maker . . .

Career Pathways

Animator/Digital Artist, Architect, Architectural Technician, Art Director (Film, Television or Stage), Artist, Tattoo Artist, Cabinet Maker, Textile Process Operator, Urban/Regional Planner, Fashion Designer, Graphic Designer, Interior Designer, Industrial Designer, Jeweller, Director (Film, Television, Radio or Stage), Media Producer, Florist, Game Developer, Landscape Architect, Photographer

					Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Your own set of pencils would be advantageous as would a sketch pad


Courses outlined will only be available if sufficient students wish to take them AND appropriate staff are available to teach them.

Courses that do not run may be offered through distance learning and be supported by the Distance Learning Department.